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25.02.25 Business


Journalist and broadcaster, Bibi Lynch tells us why she hates International Women's Day so much.

I hate International Women’s Day (IWD).

I don’t hate the mission (from IWD’s site… ‘Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.’) — but I do hate that – in 2025, people – those fights still need to be fought. (The site tells me IWD was founded in 1911. My birth year. WTAF?!)

I don’t hate the message, either – ‘Together we can forge gender equality’ seems fair enough to this pretty head – but I do hate the predictably limp ‘So when is International Men’s Day, then? HAHAHAHAHAHA’ posts from Melon and his free (speech) Musketeers. 

I don’t hate how ubiquitous and commercial the day is now – we should all be shouting loud and proud until this crap changes – but I do hate how many fake people hijack the cause. (A million years ago, when I was young and firm, I worked on an ‘empowering women’ magazine and clearly remember the female editor handing back a nervous young female writer*’s first ever feature with the words ‘This is shit’ written across the printout in red ink. You have totally read that supportive sister’s IWD musings. Hmmm. And, also, grrrr.) 

So IWD sort of gives me the ick**. 


This year…

This year I’ve been asked by my PLATF9RM friends to host an event on IWD. ‘What will I do with the hate?’, thought I. And then I read the line-up for The Business Brunch. 

Oh my Goddess, what an incredibly inspiring group: all, to a woman, are successful, nurturing, empowering – genuine – business owners and leaders who want to share their wisdom and help budding professionals fulfil their potential. 

There’s Vanessa Belleau… Founder of consultancy firm High Fifteen, Vanessa specialises in psychology, creativity and culture — helping clients (including Dior, Nike and Louis Vuitton) build inclusive high-performing workplace cultures.

There’s Meg Carnie… Award-winning artist manager and studio founder, Meg is dedicated to artist development — guiding artists from grassroots to goals. Owner of South Lanes Studios in Brighton, Meg won the AIM Independent Music Award’s ‘Music Entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2024 for her impact on the independent scene.

There’s Ruth Marsden… Founder of Better Company and creator of the Better Cup — a buy-one-give-one menstrual cup supporting Hamara Hope School in Zimbabwe. Made from 100% medical-grade silicone, the Better Cup offers total period freedom — and Better Company, featured in Glamour, Elle, Stylist and more, is now expanding with Better Pad for postpartum and light flow.

There’s Erica Sosna… Erica has spent nearly 30 years helping individuals worldwide design flourishing careers they adore. TEDx speaker, author and co-host of The Career Equation podcast, Erica’s Career Equation model helps companies – including Amazon and Microsoft – unlock potential and build future-fit, high-retention 21st century workplaces. She’s also the founder of Career Matters — voted ‘Most Innovative Career Coaching Company’ in the Small Business Awards 2024. 

And there’s Kelly Gordon. Kelly’s 18-year career has harnessed her lived experience as a wheelchair user — inspiring her to drive meaningful change and inclusion. CEO and co-owner of Kidderminster Harriers FC, Kelly is co-founder and CEO of With Not For — a talent and production agency that exclusively represents disabled creatives. She is also CMO and Global Head of B2B at Hot Octopuss — leaders in the Sex Tech space.

Wow. Am genuinely psyched about chatting with these incredible humans. Sharing stories, imparting wisdom, making change, shaping minds and lives. That’s what IWD can do. 

I love International Women’s Day. 

*wasn’t me. I would’ve made her eat the sheet 

**sorry if ‘ick’ gives you the ick

#IWD2025 #AccelerateAction @bibilynch