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Thursday, October 10, 2024 - Thursday, December 19, 2024 11 AM - 12:30 PM Floor 5, Tower Point

Beyond Happiness: The Multifaceted Benefits of Strong Workplace Culture
A people-first workplace culture boosts performance, sparks innovation, and enhances a positive brand reputation. More than just employee satisfaction, a strong culture is essential for sustainable growth and maintaining motivation.

12 Week Course Tickets Here

Janine Jacobs, Co-Founder at Culture Consultancy, HappyHQ
Samantha Harland, Innovation, Programmes & Culture Consultant, HappyHQ

Key Themes:

  • Adapting to the New World of Work:
    With Gen Z projected to comprise 58% of the workforce by 2030, companies need to adapt to evolving expectations like diversity, work-life balance, and mental health support to stay relevant.
  • Reinforcing Culture Foundations:
    Companies must ensure all team members feel heard, valued, and motivated. Key areas to assess include clarity of culture communication, integration of core values into daily operations, and fostering diversity and inclusion.

Programme Details:

  • Subsidised for PLATF9RM Members
  • £200 for Non-Members

Programme Structure:

  • Six Interactive Modules over 12 weeks
    Held in-person at Platf9rm, with 90-minute sessions every two weeks.

Additional information

Building Culture Foundations 12-week accelerator programme with HappyHQ at Platf9rm consists of six interactive modules delivered in-person through 90-minute sessions every two weeks. You’ll gain essential tools, frameworks, and insights to effectively integrate a robust culture into your operations.

This programme offers a clear roadmap for cultivating a workplace where everyone feels heard, valued, and motivated to contribute to a flourishing business. It will guide you in bringing your values to life, attracting the right talent, and setting goals that align with your organisational objectives.

Session One: 10th October • Culture Mapping – Delve into the dynamic realm of company culture, its influence on your business, and how to establish strong cultural foundations using a culture-mapping framework.

Session Two: 24th October • Discovering Purpose and Authentic Values – Learn to sidestep common pitfalls and establish genuine, impactful core values that resonate beyond mere words on a wall.

Session Three: 7th November • Values in Action – Create a values ripple effect! Discover how to ensure your values resonate both internally and externally within your organisation.

Session Four: 21st November • Finding Values-Aligned Hires + Best Hiring Practices + Supercharging Your Onboarding Process – Master the art of hiring and onboarding to build a team that aligns seamlessly with your culture and values.

Session Five: 5th December • Exploring Tried and Tested Culture Practices – Unearth strategies and insights from high-performing companies renowned for their strong cultural foundations and compelling employer value propositions (EVP).

Session Six: 19th December • Share Your Culture Foundations with the Cohort – Contribute your learnings and progress with the group.